Student Information

Why Not Your Best?

Welcome to Orrville City Schools. We hope this handbook will help you understand some of the policies and practices of our school. It provides important information concerning school procedures rules and allows for communication between home and school. Please take time to read over the information contained in the handbook.

Both the school and home need to work for the best interest of the children, and the better we understand one another the better we are able to provide the best educational opportunities. As partners in education, we encourage your full participation in your child’s learning. Parents are encouraged to become involved by helping with homework, volunteering at school, and participating in PTO.

We extend our best wishes to both parents and students that together we may enjoy a most successful school year. A positive attitude combined with efficient communication practices should help us all achieve our goals and objectives.

Mr. Dave Sovacool, Middle School Principal
Mr. Nick Evans, Assistant Middle School Principal

The philosophy of Orrville Middle School centers on the belief that all students have the capacity to learn, grow and develop into knowledgeable and caring citizens of the Orrville community. Our students will be engaged in learning that is relevant, challenging and exploratory. It is our goal that our students develop socially, emotionally, and academically in a trusting and respectful environment in which family and community are actively involved. In order to achieve these goals it is necessary for the school and family to work closely with each other so that the child is successful at school. During the middle school years, our students may face many important life choices and needs the support of both home and school to make wise, healthy decisions.
The mission of the Orrville City School District, in partnership with the parents and the community, is to inspire all students to become successful and lifelong learners and to be prepared to responsibly contribute to our community and society.

All middle school students follow three basic school rules. These rules are followed in every location of the buildings. The students pride themselves on following the three R’s.
Respect yourself!
Respect others!
Respect property!

 Rule 1: We will not bully others.
 Rule 2: We will help students who are bullied.
 Rule 3: We will include students who are left out.
 Rule 4: We will tell an adult at school and an adult at home if we know if somebody is being bullied.


  1. Follow all school rules, policies and procedures.
  2. Attend school on a consistent basis and arrive on time.
  3. Treat each other and the school staff with respect.
  4. Follow all directions the first time given.
  5. Dress in an appropriate manner for school.
  6. Be prepared for daily assignments by studying for tests and quizzes, completing homework and having all necessary materials.
  7. Take pride in your school and your school building.

This Orrville Middle School Student Planner, which has been provided to you, is designed to give the student a complete look at all policies and procedures, activities, and other general information that is important to be a successful student. The planner also provides a complete calendar to help organize the student’s academic life. We encourage all students to make the best possible use of the planner. Teachers have been encouraged to include activities that involve the planner. If a student loses their planner, they will be expected to purchase a new one from the office. The student planner is to be used as a hall pass for students at OMS.

It is requested that students do not arrive to school before 7:15 A.M. if they do not ride a school bus or participate in the breakfast program. Students need to report to the East end of the building. 7th and 8th grade students will wait in the gym, and 5th and 6th grade students will wait in the cafeteria before the first bell rings.

All students will be dismissed at 2:40. Students are expected to leave school grounds immediately following dismissal, unless they are involved in a scheduled after-school activity.

All students enrolled must be in regular attendance as outlined in Ohio Law. Attendance is the legal responsibility of the parent.

When a student is absent:

  1. The parent will call the school by 8:35am.  *The school will notify the parent if not called off.
  2. The student will bring a parent excuse/doctor’s note within three days of his/her return.
  3. The student will be responsible for all work missed.
  4. Students will not be permitted to receive credit for work missed due to unexcused absences.

Any student who has accumulated more than 10 excused absences (without a prior doctor’s note) must bring a signed and dated physician excuse for all further absences. If a doctor’s note is not provided, the absence will be marked as unexcused.

**Parents will be notified by mail of accumulated absences with a warning letter at 7 days and a notification at 10 days that all student work will be marked unexcused until a dated physician’s excuse is produced for missed days.


  1. Personal illness
  2. Illness/death in the immediate family
  3. Death of a relative
  4. Quarantine for contagious disease
  5. Observance of religious holiday
  6. Emergency deemed as sufficient cause by the administration                

*If a student arrives after 8:35am or leaves before 1:55pm they will be considered ½ day absent.
*Students who have unexcused absences from school are still responsible for work missed, but will not receive any credit.
*Students must be in attendance for 4 periods to participate in extracurricular activities.

Habitual Truant:     

  • Unexcused 5+ consecutive days
  • Unexcused 7+ days in one month
  • Unexcused 12+ days in one year

Chronic Truant:     

  • Unexcused 7+ consecutive days
  • Unexcused 10+ days in one month
  • Unexcused 15+ days in one year

**Parents will be notified by mail when their child has reached each one of these benchmarks and what actions will take place.
**Possible actions include parent education programs, intervention and counseling programs for the student, loss of student driving privileges, alternative school and any other appropriate legal action.

Tardiness is defined as any student arriving at school after the start of the school day. Any student arriving more than 45 minutes after the start of the day will be marked absent UNLESS they have a doctor's or dentist's note. The time of the appointment should be on the doctor's note and it should be presented to the office secretary. Anyone leaving school prior to 45 minutes before the end of the school day will be marked half day absent.

A "habitual" truant is any child of compulsory school age who is absent without a legitimate excuse for five or more consecutive school days, seven or more school days in one month, or 12 or more school days in a school year.

A "chronic" truant is a child of compulsory school age who is absent without legitimate excuse for seven or more consecutive school days, 10 or more school days in one month, or 15 or more school days in a school year.

The Board endeavors to reduce truancy through cooperation with parents, diligence in investigating the causes of absence, and use of strict guidelines in regard to tardiness and unexcused absences.

When the Board determines that a student has been truant and that the parent, guardian or other person having care of a child has failed to ensure the child's attendance at school, state law authorizes the Board to require the parent to attend a specific educational program. This program has been established according to the rules adopted by the State Board of Education for the purpose of encouraging parental involvement.

For correction of the "habitually truant" unruly child, the courts may now order the Board to require the child to attend an alternative school if one has been established.

Regarding "habitual" truants, the Board must take as an intervention strategy any appropriate action contained in the Board policy, or the Board may file a complaint in juvenile court jointly against the child and the parent. The complaint must state that the child is an "unruly child" by virtue of being a "habitual truant," and that the child's parent violated the School Attendance Law.

Regarding "chronic" truants, if the parent fails to get the child to school and the child is considered a "chronic" truant, the Board must file a complaint in the juvenile court jointly against the child and the parent. The complaint must state that the child is a "delinquent child" by virtue of being a "chronic truant," and the parent violated the School Attendance Law.
Birth certificates and student records must be presented to school officials at the initial entry time that the student enrolls in the Orrville City Schools. Should their records not be produced, within (14) days from the date of entry, Ohio Law (ORC 2091.3, 3301.25) requires the school to notify the local law enforcement agency that the student may be a missing child.
In compliance with ORC 2091.3, 3301.25 et. Al., parents shall provide the school a current home, work and emergency phone number, and must call the school to report student absences. Should a student not be reported absence, a representative of the school will attempt to notify the parent/guardian of the absence. The notification will be by telephone or in writing on the day of the absence.    

If a student knows ahead of time that he/she will be absent, an excuse stating the reason and length of absence should be presented to the attendance officer. Doctor and dentist's appointments are only excused for the time it takes to go and return to school from the appointment.

Like tardies, excessive early departure from school can hinder your child’s education. Please do not abuse this privilege. Doctor and dentist appointments should be scheduled before or after class time whenever possible.

Anytime a child checks out of school early, an adult must sign the child out of school in the office. The adult must be either the parent or guardian or an adult that the parent has authorized the school to release the student to.

Provisions must be made in advance for planned absences, otherwise, no credit will be allowed for make-up work.

Grades are issued at the end of each grading period. The following grading scale will apply:
%       Letter Grade
100-90        A          
89-80          B          
79-70          C          
69-60          D
59-50          F

It is the student's responsibility to know where he/she stands in a course at any given time. If you fall behind, seek help through scheduled times with your counselor or teacher.

Students who are enrolled in a member 7TH-8TH grade school for the 2011-2012 school year will be required to pass a minimum of five subjects taken in the preceding grading.

Beginning August 1, 2010, which means that the bylaws become operationally effective at the end of the first grading period of the 2010-11 school year, the revisions read as follows:

A student enrolled in the first grading period after advancement from the eighth grade must have passed a minimum of five of all subjects carried the preceding grading period in which the student was enrolled.

A student enrolling in the seventh grade for the first time will be eligible for the first grading period regardless of the previous academic achievement. Thereafter, in order to be eligible, a student in grade 7 or 8 must be enrolled in school the immediately preceding grading period and received passing grades during that grading period in a minimum of five of those subjects in which the students received grades.

For students taking just five courses, there will be no margin for error as failing even one course will cause a student to be ineligible for a grading period. Please keep in mind that all subjects in which the student will receive a grade or a P/F or S/U will count. Thus, if a student is taking three electives in a grading period, each of the grades in those subjects would count toward this standard.

New standards for eligibility for the 7th and 8th grade .
- Pass the equivalent of 5 classes
- GPA above 1.5
- If the GPA is 1.0-1.499 then they must do the 2 hours per week tutoring program

 Pupils at Orrville Middle School who receive a yearly average of “F” in two or more of the following subjects (Math, Social Studies, Language Arts or Science) will repeat the grade. The administration reserves the right to promote or assign any student to the next grade, if it is in the student’s best interest.
 A student with a passing grade may be retained following a parental conference.

Academic Dishonesty demonstrates a lack of character that is inconsistent with the goals of the Orrville City School District. Cheating and plagiarism are forms of Academic Dishonesty, which are defined as follows:
Intentional Plagiarism occurs when writers or researchers are aware that they are using someone else’s words or ideas as their own. Cheating is the act of obtaining or attempting to obtain credit for academic work through the use of any dishonest, deceptive or fraudulent means.

Some specific examples of intentional plagiarism and cheating include but are not limited to the following:

  • Using pre-written papers from the Internet or other sources.
  • Copying an essay or article from the Internet, on-line source or electronic database without quoting or giving credit.
  • Cutting and pasting to create a paper without quoting or giving credit.
  • Using Cliff’s Notes or a similar source without giving credit.
  • Borrowing words or ideas from other students or sources without giving credit.
  • Allowing someone else to write the paper or do the work.
  • Presenting a technology-based foreign language translation as one’s own work.
  • Copying, in part or in whole, from another’s test or other evaluation instrument.
  • Submitting work previously presented in another course, if contrary to the rules of either course.
  • Using or consulting during an examination sources or materials not authorized by the instructor.
  • Altering or interfering with grading.
  • Sitting for an examination for someone else or allowing it to happen.
  • Stealing a test, quiz, etc.

Unintentional Plagiarism occurs when writers or researchers unwittingly use the words or ideas of others by failing to give credit to the source. When in doubt, students must check with their teacher or writing lab monitor.

Some specific examples of unintentional plagiarism include but are not limited to the following:

  • Paraphrasing poorly: changing a few words rather than taking notes and rewriting the material.
  • Quoting poorly: putting quotation marks around part of a quotation but not around all of it or putting quotation marks around a passage that is partly paraphrased and partly quoted.
  • Citing poorly: omitting an occasional in-text citation or citing inaccurately.

Any other act committed by a student in the course of his or her academic work, which defrauds or misrepresents, including aiding or abetting in any of the actions defined above.
(Adapted from the following sources:, San Jose State University, North Hunterdon High School)

Before any formal action is taken against the student for the alleged violation, the student will be afforded due process. Parents will be informed at each step of the process.

In cases of Intentional Plagiarism and Cheating:

  1. For the first offense, the student will receive an F on the assignment. The Guidance Counselor will be notified to provide appropriate intervention and a note will be placed in the Discipline Folder.
  2. For the second offense, the student will fail the course for the grading period, a notation will be placed in the permanent record, and the student will be considered insubordinate and receive the appropriate consequences.
  3. For the third and subsequent offenses, the student will fail the course for the semester.

In cases of Unintentional Plagiarism:
The student may opt to choose one of the following:

  1. Redo the assignment within teacher guidelines for a reduction of no more than one letter grade for the assignment.
  2. Receive an F on the assignment.

Subsequent offenses will constitute insubordination, therefore requiring disciplinary action.

The main emphasis of any school, of course, is on academics. However, things you see as problems, whether they are related to home or school, will from time to time, bother each of you throughout the school year. These problems have a way of upsetting us and making it difficult to study or gain peace of mind. The purpose of the Guidance Program at Orrville Middle School is to provide the opportunity for students to discuss their feelings through problem-solving techniques, such as one-on-on counseling and group interaction.

Appointments with the guidance counselor can be made ‘by talking directly to him/her or through contact with a friend, teacher or the principal. All appointments should be made before or after school, during a study hall, or during lunch. Class time should not be used unless it is an extreme emergency.

The purpose of the OMS Discipline Plan is to ensure that our students attend school in a safe, productive and orderly setting. The purpose of the plan is not to punish, but to teach our students that in order to have a positive school climate rules and procedures must be followed. There will be positive incentives for the students who conduct themselves in an appropriate manner, as well as firm, fair, and consistent consequences for students who choose not to follow school rules or procedures. The behavioral expectation is that students attend school on a consistent basis, arrive on time, come prepared for class, complete their assignments, treat each other and the staff with respect, follow directions the first time and conduct themselves in an appropriate, orderly manner. Cooperation among staff, students and parents is crucial for a positive school climate.

Minor and Major Violations of School Rules and Procedures
Demerits will be given for students who violate minor school rules or procedures. Students who commit more severe violations of school rules or procedures will immediately receive in or out of school suspensions. The chart below provides examples (not an entire list) of school offenses that will be considered either minor or major.

Minor Offenses: Dress code violations, not prepared for class, talking out, minor classroom disruption, tardiness, inappropriate language, in the hall without a pass, disruptive hallway behavior, electronic devices on person during school day

Major Offenses: Insubordination, disrespect, physical aggression, destruction of school property, vandalism, threats, harassing comments, smoking/alcohol/drugs, cheating severe profanity, truancy

For each minor violation, the student will be assigned a demerit. When issuing a demerit the staff member will write the student’s name, the reason for the demerit, and have the student sign the demerit sheet. Demerit sheets should be turned into the main office at the end of the school day. The student’s signature states that the student is aware the demerit was issued. If the student has a question, regarding why the demerit was given the student should see the Principal or Assistant Principal. Arguing with the teacher or refusing to sign the demerit sheet is insubordination, which is a major violation of school rules or procedures. Demerits will not be issued for major offenses. To report a major violation of school rules or procedures the staff member will complete a Major Offense form and send the student immediately to the office with the completed form. The teacher will then call the main office to verify that the student has reported. As previously stated, major violations of school, rules and procedures will result in an in school or out of school suspension. The chart below lists the consequences given for the demerits the student accumulates during the entire school year.

Consequence Chart
# Of Demerits    Consequence
5 = 30 minute Detention
10 = 1 Hour Detention
15 = Friday School
20 = ISS
25 = ISS


Students issued a detention or Friday School will receive written notification and parents will be contacted by phone when possible. Detentions will be served from 2:45pm to 3:15pm for ½ hour detentions or 2:45pm to 3:45pm for 1 hour long detentions on an assigned day. Friday School is an extended detention, will begin promptly at 2:45pm, and will end at 4:00pm on an assigned day. If school is not in session the day a detention or Friday School is to be served, the detention or Friday School will be served the next day school is in session.

Parents will be notified of ISS assignments by phone when possible. Students assigned to ISS will receive a written notification of the procedures and expectations associated with ISS and must abide by all procedures stated.

Parental support and communication is vitally important in implementing a school discipline plan. Parents will be notified when their student has accumulated excessive demerits. In the case, a student accumulates a high number of demerits an intervention meeting will be held with the student, parents, guidance counselor, and principal or dean. The purpose of the meeting is to implement a plan to help the student become more successful at school. In addition, demerits will be cleared at the end of each quarter and the student will start the quarter with no demerits.

Students who demonstrate good character and responsibility will be rewarded throughout the year. In addition, throughout the year there will be school parties, dances or activities. Only students who demonstrate appropriate behavior will be able to attend these activities.

Completing homework assignments is a crucial part to our students’ success at school. OMS provides in-school academic assistance in the form of organized, teacher monitored, working lunch. This is not a punishment but rather a quiet place for students to complete missing assignments. Students will be assigned to working lunch by their teacher. The teacher will provide the student with a list of missing work prior to assigning working lunch. The working lunch group will be given 35-40 minutes of quiet work time and the last 10-15 minutes will be given for lunch. Students who fail to attend teacher assigned sessions will face consequences. Also, students who are continually in working lunch may be given extra time after school. Our goal is to help every student maximize their academic potential and we believe this program is helping students begin to build a foundation for a pathway of success.

The following dress code includes the modifications initiated by representatives of the students, faculty, parents and administration. All teachers will assist in enforcing the Dress Code as adopted by the Board of Education. The administration reserves the right to make the final decision on the appropriateness of student dress and grooming.
Students who are in violation of the dress code will be required to change clothes and will receive a minimum of one demerit. Multiple referrals for dress code violations will be considered insubordination.

  1. Students should be clean and neat in person and appropriate clothing at all times. Unnatural colored hair or hair that covers ones eyes are not permitted. No facial jewelry is permitted, including tongue piercings.
  2. The student council, or other school organization, may periodically request a theme or spirit day through the administration.
  3. Shorts, skirts and skorts must be below the fingertips when arms are resting naturally at the sides.
  4. Attire that has alcohol/drug/tobacco related connotations, obscene writing/racial, sexual explicit or ethnic slurs will not be permitted.
  5. Hats, bandannas/head coverings, ear wraps, hoods, earphones, ear buds etc. and sunglasses are not permitted to be worn by male or female students from 7:15-2:41
  6. Tube tops, halter-tops, midriffs, tank tops worn alone, shirts revealing cleavage and tight fitting body shirts are not to be worn to school. Sleeveless tops for girls must be at least a 2-inch shoulder. Pajama pants are not to be worn in school.
  7. Shirts and pants must meet at the belt line at all times.
  8. Torn or ripped clothing or clothing with holes in it will not be permitted.
  9. Chains for the purpose of securing wallets or keys to clothing are to be attached and may not exceed 10 inches in length, with chain links no larger than a ¼ inch. The above are the only reasons for students to have chains in school.
  10. Colors or other gang related indicators will not be permitted.
  11. Outer coats will not be worn in classrooms.
  12. Backpacks, satchels and suitcases will not be used in the school building during the school day.

NOTE: Athletic teams may ban facial hair as part of their team rules.

The Orrville City Schools ensure equal opportunity regardless of race, color, creed, national origin, handicap or sex.

Any student or his/her parent who believes that she/he has been subjected to unlawful harassment on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin gender and/or disability may seek resolution of his/her complaint through the formal complaint procedures provided upon request. All complaints filed with the school district will be investigated in accordance with the complaint procedure. Students and parents should make every effort to file a formal complaint as soon as possible after the conduct occurs while the facts are known and potential witnesses are available. The formal complaint procedures are established to provide a prompt, impartial and thorough process for effectively and adequately resolving complaints of unlawful harassment.


  • Hazing means doing any act or coercing another, including the victim, to do any act of intimidation or harassment to any student or another organization that causes or creates a substantial risk of causing mental or physical harm to any person.
  • Bullying is an intentional written, verbal or physical act that a student has exhibited toward another particular student more than once and the behavior causes both mental and physical harm to the other student and is sufficiently severe, persistent or pervasive that it creates an intimidating, threatening or abusive educational environment for the other student.
  • Permission, consent or assumption of risk by an individual subjected to hazing and/or bulling does not lessen the prohibition contained in this policy.
  • Prohibited activities of any type including those activities engaged in via computer and/or electronic communication devices are inconsistent with the educational process and are prohibited at all times. No administrator, teacher or other employee of the District shall encourage, permit, condone or tolerate any hazing and/or bulling activities. No student, including leaders of student organizations, may plan, encourage or engage in any hazing and/or bulling.
  • Administrators, teachers and all other District employees are particularly alert to possible conditions, circumstances or events that might include hazing and/or bullying. If hazing and/or bullying or planned hazing and /or bullying is discovered, involved students are informed by the discovering District employee of the prohibition contained in this policy and are required to end all hazing and/or bullying activities immediately. All hazing and/or bullying incidents are reported immediately to the Superintendent/or his designee and the appropriate discipline is administered.
  • The Superintendent/designee must provide the Board President with an annual report of incidents of bullying and have the report available to the public.
  • The administration will inform employees and volunteers who have direct contact with students of the district’s hazing/bullying policy.
  • District employees, students and volunteers are provided with qualified civil immunity for damages arising from reporting an incident of hazing and/or bullying. Administrators, teachers, other employees and students who fail to abide by this policy may be subject to disciplinary action and may be liable for civil and criminal penalties in compliance with State Law.
  • No one shall retaliated against an employee or student because he/she files a grievance or assists or participates in an investigation, proceeding or hearing regarding the charge of hazing and/or bullying of an individual.

Orrville Middle School is committed to eliminating and preventing sexual harassment in our building. Sexual harassment is improper, immoral, illegal, and will not be tolerated. This policy is implemented to inform both students and staff as to what sexual harassment is and what procedures are to be followed in dealing with sexual harassment.

Ohio and Federal laws define sexual harassment as unwanted sexual advances, or unwanted visual, verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature. Such offensive behavior includes, but is not limited to the following.

  1. Unwanted sexual advances, including propositioning, repeatedly asking someone out for a date after it is clear that the person is not interested.
  2. Making or threatening reprisals after a negative response to sexual advances.
  3. Non-verbal conduct: leering, making sexual gestures, displaying sexually suggestive objects, pictures, cartoons, or posters.
  4. Verbal conduct: making or using derogatory comments, epithets, slurs, jokes, or making sexually based remarks about another person’s or one’s own body.
  5. Verbal abuse of sexual nature, graphic verbal commentaries about an individual’s body, sexually degrading words used to describe an individual, suggestive or obscene letters, notes or invitations.
  6. Physical conduct: touching, assault, impeding or blocking movement.
  7. This sexual harassment policy is intended to protect against sexual harassment before it becomes actionable sexual harassment. The term “sexual harassment” is intended to mean sexual harassment in the broadest meaning of that term in current as well as legal usage.

When unwelcome activities previously described occur of a milder nature, the best thing to do is say that you are uncomfortable with the behavior and ask that it cease. If the behavior does not cease, students should notify a teacher, school counselor or principal.

The constitutional rights of individuals assure the protection of due process of law. Therefore, the system of constitutionally and legally sound procedures is developed with regard to administration of discipline at Orrville Middle School.

A student must be given an opportunity for a hearing if either his/her parents or guardians indicate the desire for one. A hearing shall be held to allow the student and his/her parents or guardians to contest the facts which may lead to disciplinary action, or to contest the appropriateness of the sanction imposed by a disciplinary authority, or if the student and his/her parents or guardians allege prejudice or unfairness on the part of the school district official responsible for the discipline.

Every effort will be made on the part of the administration to apply the proper discipline to the infraction, keeping in mind that the administrator, through utilizing cooperation of school resources, parents and students, will handle each case with the student's welfare foremost.

Students are expected to conduct themselves in such away that they respect and consider the rights of others. Students of the District must conform to school regulations and accept directions from authorized school personnel. The Orrville City School District Board of Education has zero tolerance for and will not tolerate violent, disruptive or inappropriate behavior by its students.

A student's conduct while attending Orrville City Schools is expected to be of such a nature to contribute positively to the learning climate of the school. For this reason, certain rules and regulations are established so that each student in the Orrville City Schools will have the maximum opportunity for an education - both curricular and extracurricular. A violation of the following rules may result in disciplinary action including detention, in-school suspension, out-of-school suspension (one to ten days), expulsion or other disciplinary action to be determined by the administration (corporal punishment shall not be used as disciplinary alternative). No student shall be admitted during the period of his/her expulsion from another school.

During an out-of-school suspension or expulsion, the student shall not receive credit for, or be permitted to, make up class work missed. During the suspension/expulsion, the student shall not be permitted on school grounds or to attend home or away events sponsored by the Orrville School District.

  • Rule 1. Violation of federal or state statutes on school premises or involving school activities. This includes a mandatory one-year expulsion under the Gun-Free Schools Act for possession (or bring) of a. firearm or knife on school property, in a school vehicle, or to any school sponsored event (also see Rule 20 regarding possession and/or use of, or threatened use of, any weapon). The superintendent has the authority to reduce the expulsion requirement on a case-by-case basis in accordance with the law if, in the judgment of the superintendent, the presence of extenuating circumstances rendering the violation harmless exists.
  • Rule 2. Possession and/or use of narcotics, counterfeit drugs and related tools, alcoholic beverages, and other dangerous or illegal drugs.
  • Rule 3. Contributing to and encouraging disruptive behavior, including, but not limited to fighting.
  • Rule 4. Creating a disturbance.
  • Rule 5. Disobedience, disrespect, insubordination; and/or incorrigibility to faculty, staff; visitors, and other employees of the district.
  • Rule 6. Intentional, negligent or careless defacing, damaging or desecration of school or private property.
  • Rule 7. Intentionally giving incorrect information to faculty, staff or other employees of the district.
  • Rule 8. Gambling.
  • Rule 9. Use and/or possession of tobacco in any form
  • Rule 10. Intimidation of faculty, staff, employees, visitors or students of the district.
  • Rule 11. Use of profane or vulgar language or gesture to faculty, staff, employees, visitors or other students of the district.
  • Rule 12. Theft
  • Rule 13. Cheating.
  • Rule 14. Truancy.
  • Rule 15. Tardiness.
  • Rule 16  Leaving school property or any assigned educational location prior to specified dismissal time without official permission.
  • Rule 17. Inattention in class, study halls or assemblies.
  • Rule 18. Throwing food, liquids, or any article in the cafeteria.
  • Rule 19. The unauthorized throwing of any object, including snowballs.
  • Rule 20. Possession and/or use of, or threatened use of, any weapon (firearms, knives and other dangerous weapons) on school property, in a school vehicle, or at any school-sponsored activity as also addressed in Rule 1. The definition of a firearm shall include any weapon (including a starter gun) which will, is designed to, or may readily be converted to expel a projectile by the action of an explosive; the frame or receiver of any such weapon; any fireman muffler or firearm; silencer; or any destructive device (as defined in 18 U.S.C.A. Sections 921-924), which includes, but is not limited to, any explosive, incendiary, or poisonous gas; bomb, grenade, or rocket having a propellant charge of more than four ounces; missile having an explosive or incendiary charge of more than one-quarter ounce; mine or device similar to any of the devices described above. Students are also prohibited from bringing knives on school property, in a school vehicle, or to any school-sponsored activity. The definition of a knife includes, but is not limited to, a cutting instrument consisting of a sharp blade fastened to a handle. The superintendent is also authorized to expel a student for reasons beyond the possession of a firearm or knife. Students who possess or use other dangerous weapons, which are defined, but not limited to, metal knuckles, straight razors, explosives, noxious irritation or poisonous gases, poisons, drugs, or other items possessed with the intent to use, sell, harm, threaten, or harass students, staff members, parents, or community members, may be subject to expulsion.
  • Rule 21. Commission of an immoral act.
  • Rule 22. Willful violation of the student responsibilities as established by the Orrville Board of Education.
  • Rule 23. Wrongly discharging an alarm system.
  • Rule 24. Failure to pay tuition or other approved charges.
  • Rule 25. Loitering, littering, or causing a disturbance on public or private property adjacent to or across from a school site, while either coming to or from school or school activities, during the school day, or during school activities.
  • Rule 26. Failure to serve assigned detentions.
  • Rule 27. Hazing and/or sexual harassment.
  • Rule 28. Public display of affection.
  • Rule 29. Being in an unauthorized school area.
  • Rule 30. Lack of preparation and materials.
  • Rule 31  Unauthorized uses, or use other than the specific assigned or approved purpose, of school voice, video and technology.

Suspensions (see board policy 5.19)

  1. The principal, assistant principal or superintendent will administer suspensions and in-school suspensions.
  2. No suspensions are to exceed ten school days.
  3. The principal, assistant principal, or superintendent will give written notice of intention to suspend and the reasons why to the pupil.
  4. The pupil will have an opportunity to appear at an informal hearing before the principal, assistant principal, superintendent or his designee, and has the right to challenge the reasons for the intended suspension or otherwise explain his actions. The hearing may take place immediately.
  5. Written notice of a suspension will be mailed or otherwise presented to the parent, guardian or custodian of the pupil and treasurer of the board within 24 hours of the suspension.

Removals (see board policy 5.19)

  1. If a pupil's presence poses a continuing danger to persons or property or an ongoing threat of ' disrupting the academic process then:
  2. The superintendent, principal or assistant principal may remove the student from the premises, curricular, or co-curricular activity.
  3. A teacher may remove the student from the curricular or co-curricular activities under his/her supervision, but not from the premises.

Expulsions (see board policy 5.19)

  1. The superintendent will administer expulsions.
  2. The superintendent will give the pupil and his/her parent or guardian written notice of the intended expulsion.
  3. The notice is to include reasons for the intended expulsion.
  4. The pupil and parent or representative has the opportunity to appear on request before the superintendent or his/her designee to challenge his/her action or to otherwise explain the pupil's actions.
  5. The notice is to state the time and place to appear which will not be less than three days or later than five days after the notice is given.
  6. The superintendent may grant an extension of time; if granted, he/she must notify all parties of the new time and place.
  7. Written notice of an expulsion will be mailed or otherwise presented to the parent, guardian and treasurer of the board within 24 hours of the expulsion.

Expulsion and Suspension Appeal to Board (see board policy 5.19)

  1. A pupil, or his/her parent or custodian, may appeal his/her expulsion or suspension by a superintendent or principal to the board of education or to its designee. Each pupil or his/her guardian, or custodian may be represented in all such appeal proceedings and shall be granted a hearing before the board for its designee in order to be heard against suspension or expulsion.
  2. A verbatim, word for word, record is required.
  3. Procedures for the hearing to follow will be set by the board of education.
  4. Formal action to affirm, vacate, or modify the disciplinary action on the appeal will be taken in “public” session.
  5. The decision of the board is further appeal able to the Court of Common Pleas under O.R.C. 2506.

File: EDE

Parents will be notified if students commit criminal acts on school property. The school reserves the right to contact the proper legal agency (police, fire, Children's Services, Juvenile Court, etc.) for any crime committed on its property.
The Orrville City Schools Board of Education recognizes the serious social problem of alcohol/drug abuse and dependency, and that the use of illicit drugs and the unlawful possession and use of alcohol are wrong and harmful. This problem is the joint responsibility of home, community and school.

Alcohol and drug abuse problems in school often interfere with behavior, learning and the development of each student's potential. Our schools share an important role with parents in the early detection of alcohol/drug abuse and dependency. A parent-school-community team effort is necessary to protect students from the promotion and sale of alcohol and non-prescribed drugs.

Chemical abuse and dependency are seen as progressive diseases; therefore, possession and/or use of, narcotics/counterfeit drugs and related tools, alcoholic beverages, and other dangerous or illicit drugs will be disciplined up to and including expulsion. When appropriate, referral for prosecution will be imposed on students who violate the standards of conduct. When students are found to have violated rules pertaining to chemical use/abuse, students and their parents/guardians will be provided information about drug and alcohol counseling, rehabilitation, and re-entry programs that are available. Our school must work together with families, outside agencies, and the courts to provide support, assistance and follow-up services for students.

The Orrville Board of Education is committed to achieving a school environment free of chemical abuse and dependency. The board, administration, staff, students, parents, community health agencies, churches, police, and the balance of the entire community must share the responsibility for such a school setting if our goal is to be accomplished. Compliance with this policy is mandatory.

According to State law, the selling of cigarettes to children less than eighteen years of age is illegal. With this in mind, as well as recommendations from physicians that smoking can injure your health, smoking is not allowed by students in school or on the school grounds. The rule is upheld at school activities as well as during the school day. Any student found smoking, in possession of a lighted cigarette, or in the process of ridding himself/herself of a lighted cigarette to avoid disciplinary action, will be suspended from school.  

Any student found using, being under the influence of, possessing, or transmitting intoxicant substances on or in school premises will be subject to suspension from school. Intoxicant substances include alcohol, narcotic drugs, over-the-counter drugs which have not been used in accordance with the prescribed directions and/or a physician's recommendation, or any other mind-altering substance.
Orrville school authorities maintain the right to request a search of students or of students' lockers and seizure of items, which can be used to disrupt or endanger the health and welfare of other students within the school. Parents will be contacted in situations where students are believed or found to be in possession of such items.

"Counterfeit controlled substance" is defined in the following ways: (l) any drug or drug container or label that bears a trademark, trade name, or other identifying mark used without the owner of the .rights to such trademark's authorization; (2) any unmarked or unlabeled substance that is represented to be a controlled substance that is manufactured, processed, packed, or distributed by a person other than the person with legal rights to manufacture, process, pack, or distribute it; (3) any substance that is represented to be a controlled substance but is not a controlled substance or is a different substance; and (4) any substance other than a controlled substance that a reasonable person would believe to be a controlled substance because of its similarity in shape, size, and color, or its markings, labeling, packaging, distribution, or the price for which it is sold or offered for sale.

The following penalties relate to the making, selling and possession of counterfeit drugs:

  1. possession of a counterfeit controlled substance - misdemeanor of the first degree; if second offense, a felony of the fourth degree.
  2. making, selling, offering to sell, or delivering any known counterfeit controlled substance; making, possessing, selling, offering to sell, or delivering any device that is known to be used to print or reproduce a trademark upon a counterfeit drug (trafficking a counterfeit controlled substance) - a felony of the fourth degree for a first offense, and a felony of the third degree for subsequent offenses.
  3. selling offering to sell, giving, or delivering any counterfeit controlled substance to a person under eighteen (aggravated trafficking) a felony of the third degree, and a felony of the second degree for subsequent offenses.
  4. representing a counterfeit controlled substance as a controlled substance by describing its effects as if it were a controlled substance (promoting and encouraging drug abuse) - a felony of the third degree, and a felony of the second degree for subsequent offenses.
  5. falsely representing or advertising a counterfeit controlled substance as a controlled substance (fraudulent drug advertising) - a felony of the fourth degree, and a felony of the third degree for subsequent offenses.

A controlled substance is defined as a drug, compound or mixture of substance included in Schedule I, II, m, IV or V (Ohio Administrative Code 4729-11). Included in these schedules are narcotics such as amphetamines, depressants and hallucinogens, as well as many other types of drugs.

Section 2923.126 of the Ohio Revised Code prohibits the carrying of a handgun in “a school safety zone.” Visitors are notified that having a permit to carry a concealed weapon does not apply to school or school safety zones.

(Acceptable Use and Internet Safety)

The District is pleased to make available to students’ access to interconnected computer systems within the District and to the Internet, the worldwide network that provides various means of accessing significant educational materials and opportunities.

In order for the District to be able to continue to make its computer network and Internet access available, all students must take responsibility for appropriate and lawful use of this access. Students must understand that one student's misuse of the network and Internet access may jeopardize the ability of all students to enjoy such access. While the school's teachers and other staff will make reasonable efforts to supervise student use of the network and Internet access, they must have student cooperation in exercising and promoting responsible use of this access.

Below is the Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy of the District and the Data Acquisition Site that provides Internet access to the District. Upon reviewing, signing and returning this policy as the students have been directed, each student will be given the opportunity to enjoy Internet access at school and is agreeing to follow the policy. If a student is under 18 years of age, he/she must have his/her parents or guardians read and sign the policy. The District cannot provide access to any student who, if 18 or older, falls to sign and submit the policy to the school as directed or, if under 18, does not return the policy as directed with the signatures of the student and his/her parents or guardians.

Listed below are the provisions of your agreement regarding computer network and Internet use. If you have any questions about these provisions, you should contact the person that your school has designated as the one to whom you can direct your questions. If any user violates this policy, the student's access will be denied, if not already provided, or with drawn and he/she may be subject to additional disciplinary action.

Personal Responsibility
By signing this policy, you are agreeing not only to follow the rules in this policy, but are agreeing to report any misuse of the network to the person designated by the school for such reporting. Misuse means any violations of this policy or any other use that is not included in the policy, but has the effect of harming another or his/her property.

Term of the Permitted Use
A student who submits to the school, as directed a properly signed policy and follows the policy to which he/she has agreed will have computer network and Internet access during the course of the school year only. Students will be asked to sign a new policy each year during which they are students in the District before they are given an access account.
Uses of Network
1.    Acceptable Uses of Network : Educational Purposes Only - The District is providing access to its computer networks and the Internet for only educational purposes. If you have any doubt about whether a contemplated activity is educational, you may consult with the person(s) designated by the school to help you decide if a use is appropriate.
2.    Unacceptable Uses of Network: Among the uses that are considered unacceptable and which constitute a violation of this policy are the following:

A.    Uses that violate the law or encourage others to violate the law.

  • Do not transmit offensive or harassing messages
  • offer for sale or use any substance the possession or use of which is prohibited by the District's Student Discipline Policy
  • view, transmit or download pornographic materials or materials that encourage others to violate the law
  • intrude into the networks or computers of others
  • download or transmit confidential, trade secret information, or copyrighted materials. (Even if materials on the networks are not marked with the copyright symbol, you should assume that all materials are protected unless there is explicit permission on the materials to use them.)
  •  vandalism of computer hardware, software, or other peripheral devices
  • Use of a proxy to bypass the network filter

B.    Uses that cause harm to others or damage to their property.

  • do not engage in defamation (harming another's reputation by lies)
  • employ another's password or some other user identifier that misleads message recipients into believing that someone other than you is communicating or other wise using his/her access to the network or the Internet
  • upload a worm, virus, "Trojan horse", "time bomb" or other harmful form of programming or vandalism
  • participate in "hacking" activities or any form of unauthorized access to other computers, networks, or information systems.

C.    Uses that jeopardize the security of student access and of the computer network or other networks on the Internet.

  • do not disclose or share your password with others
  • do not impersonate another user by utilizing their password

D.    Uses that are commercial transactions.

  • Students and other users may not sell or buy anything over the Internet.
  • It is not recommended for you to provide others private information about you or others, including credit card numbers and social security numbers.    

3.   Netiquette: All users must abide by rules of network etiquette, which include the following:

A.    Be polite.

  • Use appropriate language.
  • No swearing, vulgarities, suggestive, obscene, belligerent or threatening language.

B.    Avoid language and uses which may be offensive to other users.

  • Do not use access to make, distribute or redistribute jokes, stories or other material, which is based upon slurs or stereotypes relating to race, gender, ethnicity, nationality, religion or sexual orientation.

C.    Do not assume that a sender of email is giving his/her permission for you to forward or redistribute the message to third parties or to give his/her email address to third parties. This should only be done with permission or when you know that the individual would have no objection.

D.    Be considerate when sending attachments with email (where this is permitted). Be sure that the file is not too large to be accommodated by the recipient’s system and is in a format, which the recipient can open.

4.    Internet Safety

A.    General Warning; Individual Responsibility of Parents and Users. All users and their parents/guardians are advised that access to the electronic network may include the potential for access to materials inappropriate for schoolaged pupils. Every user must take responsibility for his/her use of the computer network and Internet and stay away from these sites. Parents or minors are the best guide to materials to shun. If a student finds that other users are visiting offensive or harmful sites, he/she should report such use to the person designated by the school.

B.    Personal Safety. Be safe. In using the computer network and Internet, do not reveal personal information such as your home address or telephone number. Do not use your real last name or any other information that might allow a person to locate you without first obtaining the permission of a supervising teacher. Do not arrange a facetoface meeting with someone you "meet" on the computer network or Internet without your parent's permission (if you are under 18). Regardless of your age, you should never agree to meet a person you have only communicated with on the Internet in a secluded place or in a private setting.

C.   "Hacking" and Other Illegal Activities. It is a violation of this policy to use the school's computer network or the Internet to gain unauthorized access to other computers or computer systems, or to attempt to gain such unauthorized access. Any use, which violates State or Federal law relating to copyright, trade secrets, the distribution of obscene or pornographic materials, or which, violates any other applicable law or municipal ordinance, is strictly prohibited.

D.    Confidentiality of Student Information. Personally identifiable information concerning students may not be disclosed or used in any way on the internet without the permission of a parent or guardian or, if the student is 18 or over, the permission of the student himself/herself. Users should never give out private or confidential information about themselves or others on the Internet, particularly credit card numbers and Social Security numbers. A supervising teacher or administrator may authorize the release of directory information, as defined by State law, for internal administrative purposes or approved educational projects and activities.

E.    Active Restriction Measures. The school, either by itself or in combination with the Data Acquisition Site providing Internet access, will utilize filtering software or other to prevent students from accessing visual depictions that are (1) obscene, (2) child pornography or (3) harmful to minors. The school will also monitor the online activities of students, through direct observation and/or technological means, to ensure that students are not accessing such depictions or any other material which is inappropriate for minors.

Internet filtering software or other technologybased protection systems may be disabled by a supervising teacher or school administrator, as necessary, for purposes of bona fide research or other educational projects being conducted by students age 17 and older.

The term "harmful to minors" is defined by the Communications Act of 1934 (47 USC Section 254 [h] 7] as meaning any picture, image, graphic image file, or other visual depiction that.

  1. taken as a whole and with respect to minors, appeals to a prurient interest in nudity, sex or excretion
  2. depicts, describes, or represents, in a patently offensive way with respect to what is suitable for minors, an actual or simulated sexual act or sexual contact, actual or simulated normal or perverted sexual acts, or a lewd exhibition of the genitals;
  3. taken a whole, lacks serious literary, artistic, political or scientific value as to minors.

5.       Privacy: Network and Internet access is provided as a tool for your education. The District reserves the right to monitor, inspect, copy, review and store at any time and without prior notice any and all usage of the computer network and Internet access and all information transmitted or received in connection with such usage. All such information files shall be and remain the property of the District and no user shall have any expectation of privacy regarding such materials.

6.      Failure to Follow Policy: The user's use of the computer network and Internet is a privilege, not a right.

  • A user who violates this policy shall, at a minimum, have his/her access to the computer network and Internet terminated, which the District may refuse to reinstate for the remainder of the student's enrollment in the District.
  • A user violates this policy by his/her own action or by failing to report any violations by other users that come to the attention of the user.
  • Further, a user violates this policy if he/she permits another to use his/her account or password to access the computer network and Internet, including any user whose access has been denied or terminated.
  • The District has outlined the disciplinary procedures which will result when a violation of this policy occurs. However, the District may also take other disciplinary action in such circumstances, or increase the loss of network time depending on the extent of the offense.

1st offense – loss of network privileges for 5 school days
2nd offense – loss of network privileges for 20 school days
3rd offense – loss of network privileges for 180 days

7.      Warranties/Indemnification: The District makes no warranties of any kind, either express or implied, in connection with its provision of access to and use of its computer network and the Internet provided under this policy. It shall not be responsible for any claims, losses, damages or costs (including attorney's fees) of any kind suffered, directly or indirectly, by any user of his or her parent(s) or guardian(s) arising out of the user's use of its computer network and the Internet provided under this policy. By signing this policy, users are taking full responsibility for his/her use, and the user who is or older or, in the case of a user under 18, the parent(s) or guardian(s) are agreeing to indemnify and hold the school, the District, the Data Acquisition Site that provides the computer and Internet access opportunity to the District and all of their administrators, teachers, and staff harmless from any and all loss, costs, claims or damages resulting from the user's access to its computer network and the Internet, including but not limited to any fees or charges incurred through purchases of goods or services by the user. The user or, if the user is a minor, the user's parent(s) or guardian(s) agree to cooperate with the school in the event of the school's initiating an investigation of a user's use of his/her access to its computer network and the Internet, whether that use is on a school computer or on another computer outside the District's network.
The school clinic is not to be used as an alternative to health care. It is intended to provide first aid care and Ohio Department of Health wellness checks to students while they are in the school building. Parents are not to ask staff if the RN can look at their child and diagnose what is wrong. The RN can only make nursing assessments and not diagnose or render treatment beyond their scope of practice.

The Ohio Revised Code (ORC 3313.671 and 3323.05) requires no pupil shall be admitted, at the time
of his initial entry of each school year to an elementary, middle school, or high school or shall be permitted to remain in school for more than fourteen (14) days, unless such pupil has presented written evidence, that he has received or in the process of receiving immunizations by a method of immunization approved by the department of health pursuant to section 3701.13 of the Revised Code. A pupil whose parents/guardian presents a written statement and files the school exemption form declining to have the pupil immunized for reasons of conscience, including religious convictions, or medically contraindicated is not required to be immunized.

The State Department of Education and the Ohio Department of Health requires each child before entering school to have the following immunizations:

  • DPT: 4 doses (a 5th dose will be required if the 4th dose was administered prior to 4th birthday)
  • Tdap/Td: 1 dose prior to entering 7th grade. (must be within 5 years of 7th grade entry).
  • POLIO: 4 doses; The 3rd dose must be given on or after 4th birthday and is in the same series-all     OPV or all IPV; 4 doses needed if a combination of OPV/IPV was administered.
  • MMR: 2 doses
  • HEP B: 3 doses
  • VARICELLA: 1dose (after the first birthday) for student entering school before 2010.

Lice Policy:
Students with live lice found will be excluded from school and required to receive suitable treatment at home immediately. The school nurse or designated personnel has the responsibility to communicate to other schools where siblings or other close contacts of the infested person attend.

The student must remain out of school for a minimum of 12 hours to allow for treatment. They will be checked by the school nurse or other designated personnel the next school morning following treatment.

The student may return to school the morning after initial treatment if the following conditions are met:

  1. A parent must accompany the student- NO BUS RIDE to school the next day.
  2. The parent must wait until the head check is completed.
  3. The student is free from live lice.
  4. The parent must show an obvious attempt to remove the majority of nits. Nits that are present are acceptable but if it takes longer than 10 minutes to remove nits from hair, the student will be sent home to remove excessive nits.
  5. If the student has missed a significant number of school days because of lice infestation and does not have live lice, the student may return to class as long as monitoring of the progress of nit removal is made by the school nurse or designated personnel.
  6. All students that have live lice will be checked in 7-10 days from initial treatment. In case of chronic, repeated infestations, the student may be rechecked as often as needed at the discretion of the school nurse or building administrator.

Communicable Diseases:
Any student suspected of or reported to have a communicable disease is to be examined by a school nurse or public health nurse. Upon the recommendation of the school nurse or public health nurse, the student may be excluded from school. Orrville City Schools follows the most up-to-date information of communicable diseases as set by the Ohio Department of Health. Readmission is dependent upon a decision by a physician, and with their written documentation stating a return date.

  1. Chickenpox: Excluded from school until 6th day of rash appearing or until sores are dry.
  2. Common cold: Feels well and has not had a fever for 24 hours
  3. Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye): Physician’s note required. Return 24 hours from start of treatment.
  4. Cough: Cough is not severe or persistent; other symptoms of illness have stopped.
  5. Diarrhea: 24 hours after the last occurrence without taking diarrhea medication
  6. Fever: No fever greater than 100.4'F for 24 hours without taking fever medication
  7. Fifth Disease: Physicians note required. Only excluded from school if currently having a fever; may still have rash.
  8. Hand/Foot/Mouth: Physician’s note required. Excluded if sores present in mouth, drooling weeping blisters on hands
  9. Head Lice: Excluded from school until after treatment is applied & no live lice found
  10. Impetigo: Physician’s note required. Excluded from school until 24 hours after treatment has begun & all sores are dry.
  11. Pinworms: Physician’s note required. Excluded from school until after treatment is given
  12. Rash:    Physician’s note required. Excluded from school until after 24 hours of treatment for scalp & skin lesions; areas must be kept covered upon return; excluded from contact sports until lesions are gone.
  13. Ringworm: Physician’s note required. Excluded from school until after 24 hours of treatment     for scalp & skin lesions; areas must be kept covered upon return; excluded from contact sports until lesions are gone.
  14. Scabies: Physician’s note required. Excluded from school until 24 hours after application of scabicide.
  15. Strep Throat/Scarlet fever: Physician’s note required. Excluded from school until on antibiotics for 24 hours; no fever for 24 hours
  16. Vomiting: 24 hours after the last occurrence without taking medication

Medication Administration:
Students needing medication are encouraged to receive the medication at home, if possible. If this is not possible and it is necessary for the student’s attendance; administration of any medication will be done in compliance with the following:

Prior to dispensing any type of medication (to include natural/herbal & over-the-counter), written permission must be received from the parent(s) and physician of the student and shall include:

  1. Medication Administration form filled out & signed by the physician indicating the  exact dispensing instructions. The dispensing instructions cannot exceed the recommended dosage on the manufacturer’s labeled package.
  2. Medication Administration forms must be completed for each school year regardless of life-long medication usage.
  3. New Medication Administration forms must be completed & signed when there is a change in any of the information originally provided by the physician, licensed individual, or parent (i.e. dosage, dispensing).
  4. Each medication must have their own Medication Administration form. Medication cannot be combined on the same Medication Administration form.
  5. The medication must be received from an adult (students can not carry in medication) in the container in which it was manufactured or dispensed by the prescribing physician or others licensed to prescribe medication. The label on the prescription container must state the child’s name and dispensing instructions. All medication tablets that must be split, needs to be done prior to the school receiving the medication.
  6. The school nurse or authorized trained designee has the right to refuse the    
  7. dispensing of any medication based on questionable dosage and/or drug interactions. The student’s physician may be contacted to verify dispensing of any medication.

Metered dose inhalers & epi-pens (grade 3-12 allowed to self-carry)

  1. Students have the right to possess and use a metered-dose inhaler or dry-powder inhaler to prevent or alleviate asthmatic symptoms. Students have the right to possess and use only in an emergency an epinephrine auto injector to prevent the anaphylactic response to a severe allergy.
  2. The right applies at school or at any activity, event or program sponsored by or in which student’s school is a participant.
  3. The Authorization for Student Possession form must be on file in office in order for a student to possess an inhaler or epi-pen. This is a state law from the Ohio Revised
  4. Any student that has an inhaler or epipen at school must have an action plan on file
  5. with the school nurse. A second epipen must be stored in the clinic for that student.          

All students are required to have an Emergency Medical Form completed by the parents or guardians that will be on file in the school office. In the case of serious injury or illness, the student's parents or guardians will be notified. If the parents cannot be contacted, the school will refer to the medical form, and, proper attention will be given to the child.

Each student participating in a school activity will be informed of the proper behavior, both in and out of school, expected by the particular advisor 6r coach. Students that fail to follow the advisor's standards may not be allowed to participate. Parents will be informed of dismissal from a school activity.

Announcements for the day will be made over the public address system each morning and at the end of the school day.

Bicycles are to be parked, upon your arrival, in the space provided located near the main entrance and should remain parked until the close of the school day. It is recommended that you use a bicycle lock on a regular daily basis to secure your property.

Riding a school bus to and from school is a privilege. Only students "eligible" to ride are permitted on the bus. For the safety of all passengers, it is important that all bus rules and regulations be followed. Failure to follow the driver's requests and rules may result in disciplinary action by the principal, including loss of bus privileges.

Bus Regulations/Rules:
Riding the bus is a privilege, not a guaranteed right. Continued participation in our bus program carries the responsibility of each student to conduct him/her in a manner that follows the laws of the state as well as the rules of the school. Students will:

  1. Be careful in approaching bus stops, walk on the left facing oncoming traffic and be sure the highway is clear both ways before crossing.
  2. Be on time at the bus stop in order to permit the bus to follow the time schedule.
  3. Sit in assigned seat. Bus drivers have the right to assign a student to a seat in the bus and to expect reasonable conduct similar to conduct expected in the classroom.
  4. Reach an assigned seat in the bus without disturbing or crowding other students and remain seated while the bus is moving.
  5. Obey the driver promptly and respectfully and recognize that he/she has an important responsibility and that it is everyone’s duty to help ensure safety.
  6. Keep our buses clean; do not bring food or drink on the bus.
  7. Refrain from loud talking or laughing.
  8. Keep head, arms and hands in the bus at all times.
  9. Be courteous to fellow students and to the driver.
  10. Treat bus equipment as one would treat valuable furniture in his/her home.
  11. Remain seated until the bus stops, wait for the signal from the driver and cross in front of the bus.

Failure of a student to follow these regulations will result in consequences.

We strongly urge your child to purchase the school lunch, or he/she may bring his/her lunch to school. Students who purchase school lunches will have a food service receivable account, which permits lunches to be paid in advance. Students will carry less money, lines will move faster, and those students receiving free and reduced lunches will be transparent. Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds for lunch unless they receive special permission from the principal. Students should go quietly to the cafeteria, deposit lunch litter in wastebaskets and return all trays and utensils to the proper area. Food must remain in the lunchroom. Leave the tables and floor in clean condition.

If you have a change of address, please notify the principal's office promptly.

It is the philosophy of Orrville Middle School that conferences between parents and school personnel, to discuss academic and behavioral concerns, be encouraged. To arrange a conference, simply call the school office for an appointment.

In addition, two days are set aside in the fall and spring specifically for parent-teacher conferences. These are announced at the appropriate times.

All records of middle school students are kept in the principal's office. Authorized personnel will make these records available to you upon request.

Fire Drills: Each classroom has a planned fire escape route. Listen carefully to the classroom teacher, read the posted signs and become familiar with the exit you will be expected louse in case of an emergency or a fire drill. During a fire drill, students are expected to remain calm and exit the building by walking as quickly as possible. There should be no talking while exiting the building. Remain in a group outside with your classroom teacher while attendance is taken. Wait until the signal to enter the building, and return to your room without talking.

Tornado Drills: A tornado drill has a certain procedure to be followed. Your classroom teacher will explain this procedure. Things to remember during a tornado drill:

  1. Know the designated area for each classroom (posted in each room).
  2. Move to that area quickly and efficiently.
  3. No talking at any time during the drill.

Any electronic communication or entertainment device not required for classrooms including but not limited to cell phones, MP3 players, iPods, pagers, games, walkman, and digital cameras are prohibited during the school day from 7:45-2:41. Students will not be permitted to carry electronic devices during the school day. School personnel will confiscate electronic devices immediately and turn them into the main office. On the first offense, the student may pick up the device after school and a demerit will be issued. Second and subsequent violations will require a parent/guardian to come to school and pick up the device personally and will be considered insubordination resulting in consequences including but not limited to In-School Suspension.

Fees are necessary, in some instances, to defray the cost of art supplies, shop materials, workbooks, additional publications, etc. Unless special arrangements are made with the principal, all fees should be paid as soon as possible. All fees must be paid before grade cards are released.

Throughout the school year certain activities or acts can result in the student, being assessed a fine. Fines are assessed for overdue or damaged library books, damaged or lost textbooks (students are to have a book cover for each text), and for acts of vandalism.

Each student will receive information concerning free and reduced lunches. If you have any questions about this program, please contact the principal's office.


  1. Students must have a pass when in the hallway during class. A staff member must assign the pass.
  2. Teachers may refuse to assign a hall pass. The student planner will be used for passes.
  3. Students should remain to the right when walking down the hall.
  4. Running is not allowed!

When weather appears to be severe enough that there is a possibility of a delay or closing of school, please listen to one of the major local radio or television stations.

Two-Hour Delay Procedures

  • The Orrville City School district will use a two-hour opening delay in the event of inclement weather.
  • Under a two-hour delay scenario, all schools will begin the day two hours later than the normal starting time. For example, under a two-hour delay, the middle school will start at 9:45 am rather than 7:45 am. All other buildings will begin the school day two hours after their regular start time.
  • All morning pick-up times from our transportation department will be two hours later than normal.

Interim reports are sent home with students who have D’s or F’s each quarter. Interim reports with two or more F’s in a core subject will be mailed home to parents.


The library is a reading room, which must be QUIET and ORDERLY.

  1. Books may be signed out for two-week periods of time. Reserve books are overnight.
  2. Since library materials belong to the school, you have a responsibility in caring for them. You will be expected to pay for any materials you damage or lose.
  3. Books must be returned on or before the date due. You may renew them if you need more time.
  5. The reading you do is a very important part of your education. Make the very best use of your school library, as there are many interesting materials for you to explore.

All lockers are property of the Orrville Board of Education. Lockers are provided to the student for storage of school supplies and coats. Following are rules applying to lockers:

  1. All books and valuables should be kept in your lockers when not in use.
  2. Students who participate in after-school activities are reminded to take all books and belongings with them at the end of the school day.
  3. Do not divulge your locker combination, to other students. Keep your locker locked at all times.
  4. It is recommended that students not go to their lockers when changing periods. All morning books and materials should be gathered before first period and returned at lunchtime. All afternoon materials should be gathered following their lunch period.
  5. Members of the school staff may conduct general search of school property at any time.
  6. Items, which can be used to disrupt or interfere with the educational process, may be temporarily removed from student possession.
  7. Illegal items (weapons, explosives, etc.) or other possessions reasonably determined to be a threat to the safety or school authorities may seize security of others.
  8. Students found tampering with other pupils' lockers or having possession of others’ belongings could be subject' to suspension from school.
  9. The administration reserves the right to hold periodic locker inspections for cleanliness, for lost, stolen or  strayed books, or other school property.

Students who find lost articles are asked to take them to the office where the owner through identification can claim them.

Safety is our main concern on the playground. Playground supervisors will not permit activities that appear hazardous or cause injury. The playground rules also follow THE THREE R’s: Respect Yourself, Respect Others and Respect Property.

Any child who misbehaves will, at the discretion of the playground supervisor and principal, be removed from the playground for such time as deemed necessary.


  1. Children should be encouraged to use crosswalks that have been provided for their safety by the city and to obey the school safety patrol.
  2. We practice safe evacuation of the building once a month for fire drills.
  3. We hold tornado drills monthly during severe storm season.

This is your school building, and you should appreciate it and take pride in its appearance. Writing desks, walls, textbooks, etc., is not allowed. Students are expected to restore damaged property and equipment and will be held responsible for undue damage or loss of school property. The school will contact the' student's parents and/or proper legal agency if necessary.

The Orrville Middle School's student council is an educational instrument designed to provide actual learning experiences in leadership and opportunities for practice in the qualities of good citizenship necessary for an effective membership in a democratic society. It also sponsors and participates in activities that promote the welfare of the school community, promotes better understanding between students and faculty, stimulates school spirit, considers problems brought to council by students, and encourages communication with all in the student council community. Student council representatives are elected by their homerooms at the beginning of each year.

Study halls are to help you complete your daily assignments. You are to sit in your assigned seat. You must have a pass to leave the room at any time. Students must take schoolwork to study hall.

Classroom telephones are to be used by staff members. The office phone may be used for EMERGENCIES ONLY and only during the school day.

Students are responsible for the care of all books. They must be covered. Pupils will be fined for lost or damaged textbooks. All books should be stored in your own locker only.

A student shall not bring personal property items to school without specific permission from the teacher or principal. This includes, but shall not be limited to, the following items: Toys, radios, CD or tape players, electronic games, trading cards, skateboards, animals or any special items to be shared or brought for display purposes (unless prior approval is received from the school).

All visitors must report directly to the main office when entering the building.

Students will not be permitted to bring guests to attend classes during the school day. This pertains to both family guests and friends. If you believe you have an unusual situation, present it to the principal.

If you are withdrawing from the Orrville City School System for some reason, please notify the office as soon as possible.